GS Grip Fidget Ball

SKU: 8650
Shooting fast and accurately takes practice ... and strong hands and forearms for a strong grip on the handgun!

Squeeze this ball 1000 times a day for 30 days, and you will have stronger hands, and you will shoot better — I guarantee it!

Whether you're winding down between competition stages, have a free moment at the office, or driving down the road, improve your grip strength with the Glockstore GDB - Grip Development Ball! The perfect companion to our GlockStore Coffee Mug!
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Ratings & Reviews

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Great Help With Pain Relief and Grip Strength


This grip ball is extremely helpful to me with regard to both (1) grip strength and (2) pain relief for arthritic hands. I squeeze it multiple times every day; it makes my hands feel better and stronger, and that helps me shoot better.

Prior to getting this I was just using a tennis ball.

by -

Prior to getting this I was just using a tennis ball. This GS rubber ball is a little larger and I can achieve a full compressive grip. I am concentrating on strengthening the support hand/ forearm as I understand the support hand is far more important.