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  • GS Double Diamond 3.5 Pound Connector for G42/43/43X/48

GS Double Diamond 3.5 Pound Connector for G42/43/43X/48

SKU: 1104

GS Double Diamond 3.5lb Connector will let you reduce the trigger pull significantly.

This is a precision drop-in part that has been designed to improve accuracy and speed

Please Note: Fits Glock 42, 43, 43X, and 48. For all other Glock models, click here

The Glock 43 is one of the most popular guns in the Glock lineup. Along with the G42, it is a new statement for Glock — Single Stack, Lightweight, Low Profile, Easy to Conceal!

And, because of the polymer frame, both of these guns are a delight to shoot, very soft on the hands with minimal felt recoil when compared to other small concealed carry handguns. Plus, it's a GLOCK... enough said!

There's just one drawback; the trigger pull is extremely heavy on both of these guns measuring out between 7-7.5lbs. That's a very heavy trigger pull which adversely effects your accuracy and shooting speeds.

Our GS Double Diamond 3.5lb Connector will help you reduce the trigger pull significantly!

It's a precision drop-in part that has been designed to improve accuracy and speeds as it reduces the trigger pull to 3.5-4lbs. Each GS Double Diamond Connector is polished and coated in NP3 — a self lubricating finish that actually reduces friction of metal-to-metal parts.

Watch the video online for installation instructions. It's easy to do in 5 minutes or less!

GS Double Diamond 3.5lb Connectors are know worldwide as the best aftermarket connector for your Glock and are now available for ALL Glock models.

For all Glock models except the 42, 43, 43X, 48, click here

Order Online or Call Toll-Free: 1-800-601-8273

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Ratings & Reviews

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Massive improvement from rough factory trigger pull.

by -

Used on a P80 G43, massive improvement combined with a 50 cent polish (not on the connector) made a complete WORLD of difference on the sub-par IMHO, factory trigger

Bam! 5min upgrade


So easy to install just a 5 minutes is all. Trigger pull is awesome again another great upgrade from Lenny and the Glock Store. Time to order 2 one for my 19 Gen 4 and my 44. Always the best Thank you guys..

Crisp and quick

by -

Simply amazing the difference this makes.. Just a simple drop in on my Glock 43X. I am so impressed I am ordering the 3.0 for my Glock 44 & Glock 19 Gen 4 today. 5 minutes and you have a great crisp trigger.

Smooth Pull


put this in my 43x and it made a noticeable difference in smoothness of trigger pull.

Really good buy makes a huge difference.

by -

Really easy to install, product is made well along with good material. I'm really pleased with this purchase, thanks GS.

A great addition.


Just put these on my 43x and 48. Awesome. Crisp and consistent trigger pull and reduced travel.

Low cost for a huge improvement - Triggers matter!

by -

Easy install, Thanks to video. Bought for my 43 & 48. Like my trigger now. Mush is gone. I have upgraded my recoil springs also. Enjoy shopping at the Glockstore. Ugly guns forever!